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Minors on Tour is a relaxed and casual trip. You’re welcome to participate as much or as little as you wish. Be kind, be welcoming, and enjoy yourself with your Moggie, family, and friends. To ensure that everyone has a great holiday, a few guidelines are required for the purposes of administration, and therefore by registering for MOT 2023, you agree to the following terms:
At least one member of your registered group must be a current and fully paid-up member of the Morris Minor Owners Club (MMOC). Your group can be staying in a number of different accommodation types (camping, chalet etc), but the registered member must be participating in the trip, and staying with your group.
Registration Fee. Anyone wishing to participate in MOT must pay a registration fee. MOT does not make a profit, all surplus monies are to the benefit of the chosen charities. The fee covers meals, drinks, and the expenses of the activities. To ensure that all members of your group are able to take part in MOT, please make sure that you or they have paid their registration fee in advance, to avoid any later issues.
Minors On Tour is all about enjoying ourselves and we fully expect people to let their hair down and have a fabulous time. But we want everyone else to enjoy themselves too. Therefore we expect all participants to remember they are representing the MMOC at all times and should not do anything which could potentially bring the club into disrepute. Please follow site rules such as speed limits, quiet times and be considerate of other participants and holidaymakers.